Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Such a big world...

With so much going on where does a person start?

I’m here so this is where it shall start…A lovely day in the region, blue sky’s billowing clouds and a spring breeze, what could possibly be news about that? Oddly enough, quite a lot, for wherever you may be in the world, if you’re reading this chances is you’re in a comfortable place.

Consider that….is there a roof over your head, food in the cupboards, and air to breath? That could be soothing for the physical body, but what befits our minds?

The pathways of humanity have been long strange trips for some and fun rides of dumb luck for others. I suppose it’s better to focus on the journey, but does anyone ever wonder where is everyone really going, the big ship I speak.


At Friday, February 24, 2006 5:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are days when the sky is not so blue and the winds not so fair that I am called to question why I do this. After all, there are so many other endeavors that could be worthy of my time… ya know?

Writing is, for me, an adventure. It lets me take ideas and mash them into various forms and then detail them for further distortions.

Heck, I could be standing on this old stone pier along the Wilmington River, dodging mosquitoes the size of my thumb and inhaling great amounts of salt marsh in the air… but who would know besides me?

But then, take a simple topic (any topic really), write a few words and cast them upon the vast cyber seas of the World Wide Web and maybe, just maybe, some small portion of humanity will wash up and say hello…

Hello… :)

At Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:57:00 PM, Blogger p_jordan_sr said...

Will anyone know I was here when I am gone? You will.
That is why I write.

At Wednesday, April 22, 2009 3:40:00 AM, Anonymous Akin Nu An said...

I think only very few people know exactly where the big ship is going to take them in life.

The problem these days is that modern society is blinded in the repetitive life of work, self and play- we live for material possessions!

We seem so transfixed by trying to earn enough cash 'to get by', that we don't take any time to consider which course our ship has set.

I have a book being published this year which covers this topic, among others. The book is called 'An Alternate History of Time and Space'.

I'll also be covering this subject on my new blog- or click on my name above to be taken straight there.

Keep up the good work,

Akin Nu An


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